Safaris @ Wasgamuwa:
A safari is a journey into the wilderness that can change your mind-set.
It is almost the ultimate adventure for a wildlife lover: it is exciting,
educational, inspiring and – above all – fun.
It is the most interesting
and breathtaking experience
during your holiday at Wasgamuwa. These Safaris
could be around 3-4 hour sessions or
6-7 hour sessions inside the Park.
The Park opens at
6.00 in the morning and closes at 6.00in the evening. The morning visits (which are more
advantageous for Bird watching as well) shall start from 6.00 a.m. and shall be
over by around 10.00a.m.
The afternoon session
usually starts around 2.30 and shall
continue till 6.00p.m. The evening sessions are more popular among those who love to watch wild elephants in herds
roaming around in the grasslands.
A 6-7 hour full day
session starts around 10.30-11.00
and visitors can go to the Park with
prepared lunch and go up to Mahaweli
River, have a bath there and have lunch, relax for a while till the sunsets and start the returning journey leisurely
with ample time to see wildlife. It is basically a ‘spend-the –day- in the Park’
Trekkers shall be detailed by the Park Authorities to accompany
the visitors for safety reasons of both visitors and animals.
Entrance Tickets:
The Park
Authorities charge around Rs. 25/=
per head at the Visitor Centre as
Entrance Fee. These figures change from time to time as per the Regulations of the Dept of Wildlife Conservation.
Safari jeeps are available at the Bungalow. These jeeps
have been selected from among reliable
Operators who have back- up services
as well. It is extremely important to
ensure back- up services in the case of breakdowns while on tour inside the Park. An alternative vehicle
shall be deployed in such situations to pick the visitors up from those
locations deep inside the Park.
Hire Charges:
Half a Day
moderate fee of Rs. 3,500/= per session
of around 3-4 hours either in the morning
or in the evening.
Full Day Trip:
A 6-7 hour full day visit shall cost Rs.7000/=.
(Please note that these rates are applicable for 2012. Due to fuel price changes, the rates shall also slightly change. Please check the exact charges at the time you plan to visit Wasgamuwa wilderness.
No of people accommodated in a Jeep:
Around 10-12 pax can be accommodated
in a jeep.
A Trekker will be provided by the
Park Authorities to facilitate your Safari.
How to Make the Reservation?
Select your preferred Safari Option
(Half a day/Full day) and the no of Jeeps required for the Safari.
Make Jeep Hire Charges into the A/C
No. 8460028987 Of “DGAL Dassanayake” at the Commercial Bank and inform
Andy @ 0718060000. He will take care of the rest.
Please take the Bank Slips with you
and hand them over to the Caretaker Rathnayake (0724498422/0718106079) or the
Cook Mahathun(072 4655148).
Please note that we are not allowed
to get out of the vehicle during the Safari, and
Please do not leave behind
anything inside the Park. Also, please do not take anything away that belongs to the Park other than the unforgettable memories.
Thank You for Selecting Wasgamuwa as your next Holiday
We look forward to treat you at our best @ Wasgamuwa Safari
Sri Lanka…
…A Place for Relaxation, Adventure and memorable Wildlife
Experience in a Nature Resort…
· Help conserve Wildlife for our future Generations!